Eden Gardens LLC: FirstBit ERP Case Study - Firstbit Blog
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How First Bit Set Up Unique Report Generation for Eden Gardens


How First Bit Set Up Unique Report Generation for Eden Gardens

Published 20 Sep 2022
Eden Gardens LLC is a contracting company providing exceptional services in the fields of landscaping, irrigation, swimming pool construction and water features. With their unique philosophy of sustainability and quality outdoor spaces they strive to improve the environment by providing pleasing and aesthetic designs on a reasonable and cost-effective budget. Their areas of expertise are extensive as they provide creative and specialized solutions and ideas for commercial and residential landscape and swimming pool designs and construction.
Abu Dhabi, Dubai, UAE
Pool construction
General contracting
51-200 employees

Project Goals and Tasks

Helping in running company processes smoothly.
Saving time and efforts of resources.
Align and interlink the company’s departments.
Generating reports unique as per each department’s requirements and protocols.
Having a customizable system that would work perfectly according to our needs.
Accessing the system even from any part of the world. In other words, having cloud-based software.
Automating the tasks like report generation to save time.

Project Description

Eden Gardens LLC has solved many internal company issues related to resource management, procurement, and linking all departments due to FirstBit ERP.
Eden Gardens LLC faced a problematic situation as our departments were not aligned and interlinked. As a result, ongoing company processes were not working smoothly, but with FirstBit ERP, our problems were solved. Now, linked departments and unique report generation for all departments have saved us a lot of time and effort.
Hamza Al-Khateeb
Project Coordinator at Eden Gardens LLC
In addition, they are enjoying the following pros of FirstBit ERP:
Eden Gardens LLC are able to interlink all the departments to bring them on one pitch.
They have saved a lot of time and effort of their resources; in a nutshell, they are managing their resources well.
They now have customizable software which suits them best as per their needs. FirstBit ERP is simple and easy to use.
Each department can generate its own unique report.
All authorized users can access the software even when they are out of the office.
All the processes of the company are working smoothly.

Why Eden Gardens LLC chose FirstBit?

Customization: Eden Gardens LLC chose FirstBit because they wanted to have customizable software according to their needs and requirements.
Cloud-based System: They selected FirstBit ERP because it is a cloud-based system, and they can easily access the system anywhere at any time.
Interlinks the departments: Eden Gardens LLC faced the problem that their previous ERP wasn't comprehensive for all departments; they couldn't interlink all departments, so they selected FirstBit ERP to solve this issue.

Project Outcomes

The company is enjoying various advantages after installing and using FirstBit ERP. All the benefits are listed below:
All the company’s processes are running smoothly.
The company has saved a lot of time and effort of resources, which was impossible without FirstBit ERP.

All the employees have saved time, and now they can perform their other responsibilities well.

Many doors of opportunities are open to the company because they have plenty of time to spend looking for new business opportunities.

Each department of the company now has its own automated report generation feature.

One most important thing that I liked personally is this FirstBit ERP is a complete package and perfectly customizable for construction and contracting companies. Apart from these fantastic features of FirstBit ERP and the support of the FirstBit team, one huge plus point is that we can access this system from any part of the world. This feature speeds up our company process and helps us in running our company processes smoothly.
Hamza Al-Khateeb
Project Coordinator at Eden Gardens LLC


Eden Gardens LLC now has a perfect software catered to their needs and requirements, so they are more than happy and satisfied as their purpose of purchasing FirstBit ERP is fulfilled. In addition, they recommend FirstBit ERP to construction and contracting companies.
The FirstBit team was really helpful throughout the process; they came to visit and train us in our office, and whenever instant help was required, they did not back on us and helped us online.
Hamza Al-Khateeb
Project Coordinator at Eden Gardens LLC
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