First BIT has all the necessary resources for the implementation of enterprise projects of any complexity and any scale. We have successfully conducted large-scale projects in the oil and gas, construction and manufacturing industries.
As a client, you can be confident that we will carry out projects that you may commission from us as quickly and as efficiently as possible.
Because we believe that good two-way communications are a critical success factor, First BIT has developed a carefully thought-out, six-stage approach to its delivery of each project, as follows:
This involves discussing your IT requirements in depth, including agreeing a budget and a time frame for implementation. Then we make an initial survey and follow it up with assembling a detailed project plan accompanied by all the required documentation (such as the schedule of works, a technical specification, a fully-itemised quotation, a risk assessment report and our contract terms and conditions).
To ensure that every permutation of the proposed system has been explored, we mount extensive modelling exercises. These identify where additional functionality might need to be incorporated. They can also identify and correct any potential shortcomings of the system before its implementation.
Furthermore, we carry out extensive ‘road testing’ to ensure that the planned system is fully suitable for its intended purpose. This has the additional advantage of demonstrating to you how your new system will work inside your operation, and showing how it can help boost competitiveness and staff productivity.
First BIT’s project team will liaise closely with the in-house IT department, working to propose an organisation-specific design. In order to accelerate delivery, we propose individual designs for each key function in the business - customer relationship management (CRM), warehousing/stock, enterprise resource planning (ERP), etc.
The software proposal will follow to the specifications we have agreed, and it will closely match your business needs. Additionally a full technical manual will be created, which will have step-by-step instructions of how the software may be reconfigured in future, if this is required.
Everything possible will be done to install the new software system as quickly and in the most pain-free way as we possibly can, aiming to avoid disrupting your day-to-day operation.
Our systems are designed to automate worksites and they will import valuable data from your existing discrete systems. We train your staff and we have an early warning system that will highlight issues and rectify problems rapidly.
There will be an ongoing provision of maintenance and system software upgrades: this is a standard feature of our service.
We want your system to always operate optimally, allowing you to cope with a dynamic business environment and with changes, whether they be internally or externally generated. Our service team will stay available to you, providing a comprehensive maintenance and support back-up, working in synch with your own IT personnel.