Advice on the UAE Labor Law for Construction Businesses by Mohamed Nour
This guide is designed to provide you with expert insights on how to protect your business from legal issues. Understanding these laws will not only ensure your compliance but also put your company in a strong position for continued growth in the flourishing UAE construction market.
Introduction to the UAE Labor Law in Construction
Companies are expected to comply with all laws, regulations, and authoritative instructions. They must also ensure that their employees are informed of these regulations by including a list of violations and corresponding penalties in their internal bylaws. These bylaws should be displayed prominently within the company to ensure all employees are aware of and adhere to them.
Top 3 Legal Compliance Requirements
Key Protections And Rights
Health And Safety Regulations
Critical health and safety provisions under UAE Labor Law specific to construction include:
Resolving Disputes
Additionally, in cases involving work injuries, there is a specific mechanism in place if the construction company carries workman’s compensation insurance. Under this scenario, instead of the company, the insurance provider is responsible for settling any claims. This often precludes the need for taking the matter to court, as the insurance company handles the compensation payouts directly, simplifying the process and avoiding litigation.
Expat Workers in the UAE
However, the challenge is that expatriates may not be familiar with local safety regulations. That is why it is especially important for construction companies to have a health and safety department that conducts educational sessions for new workers to ensure they understand and comply with these safety instructions.
Another concern is the hiring process itself. All workers must pass medical tests and obtain work permits to be employed legally. Here's a step-by-step list for hiring expatriate construction workers in the UAE:
Hiring Process
Best Practices
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