How QKS Cut 40% of Fnancial and Management Accounting Workload
Project Goals and Tasks
Project Description
In order to ensure the best resource efficiency, the company required a thorough profitability analysis for each project.
It is hard to implement proper project-costing, efficiency analysis and reporting using outdated legacy software and tools like MS Excel which were used in the company. QKS business managers had to gather information from multiple systems and perform calculations manually. This led to a large amount of work and errors, as well as slow processes.
The company needed to switch to a modern automation system that would allow financial and management accounting automation. The FirstBIT ERP was chosen as a flexible solution that was capable of solving all the company's tasks at an affordable price.
The FirstBIT ERP is built on top of the 1C:Enterprise Development Platform, which counts 5mln+ users and more than 7K+ partners building solutions powered by 1C:Enterprise.
The 1C:Enterprise business-oriented development framework provides flexible customization according to customer requirements which helped First BIT team to implement FirstBIT ERP for QKS Technical Services within a short time. All this allowed the customer to achieve an unmatched cost effectiveness.
The whole implementation project took eight working visits. And allowed QKS Technical Services to almost completely eliminate the manual work connected to project costing, business management, and accounting. The number of possible mistakes made during manual calculations has also significantly decreased.
QKS has signed up to a maintenance agreement, so that First BIT specialists provide SLA-based hotline support to make sure all functionality is used with the maximum value to the client.
Project Outcomes
of your processes and scale your business with FirstBit ERP now!